
Terra's puppies, F1 Bernedoodles (Medium Size), were born on November 7, 2023 and will be ready to go to their new families by the middle of January, 2023. There is 1 girl and 1 boy in the litter. They are being offered for $1,500 each.

Mom: Terra (AKC Bernese Mountain Dog) Terra is a 105 pound ball of lovable fluff. She is so gentle and kind and affectionate. She has a bark that would scare the whole County, but if someone comes to visit, Terra barks and then runs away.

Terra (Right) with Vesper doing what they love the most

Stretching across my legs on the couch. Loving the snuggle

Terra up front - Vesper in back

Dad: Caesar (AKC Standard "Moyen" Poodle) We contracted with his owners for stud services. Caesar is about 17 pounds and is known for throwing tri-colored puppies. He sure has a distinctive look, and he makes beautiful, well-mannered puppies!