Tuesday, April 6, 2021

What a Beautiful Week! (4/6/21)

The weather out here "on the farm" has been great! Spring is finally here - to stay, I hope! We are starting to see more and more green. That feels soooo good!

Puppy Update:

Terra, our 1-year old Bernese Mountain Dog, is having her first heat cycle. She doesn't like wearing her diaper inside, so she loves sitting outside for hours and hours and barking at geese, sandhill cranes, deer, and the occasional visitor.

She also loves to teach our new Berner puppy, Vesper, how to act sassy, and how to reconcile with us humans after a particularly sassy attitude. Although Terra and Vesper are unrelated, they have become fast friends/sisters.

We hope to breed with Terra in her next heat cycle, after running the normal tests and such. Hopefully she will have her first litter this Fall!

Also, our lovable Penny is now just finally starting her heat cycle. We believe we have lined up a new "daddy" dog for her. (The wonderful "Billy" passed away last year....). 

I'll update you as soon as I know more.

So, as Spring rolls in, we have some excitement on the horizon!