Mr. Blue is the winner! There is always a debate about which puppy will be the last one chosen, and he is this litter's winner. He is a lovable chunk of fluffy dog. He is playful and likes to move - unless he is sitting in your lap, or if you are holding him.
You may not be holding him for long - even though he will want you to. At his official Vet check up yesterday, he weighed 18.5 pounds, and we expect him to grow to about 75-80 pounds. (Mom weighs about 102 and Dad weighs about 53 pounds)
He is an F1 Bernedoodle - which means he should be "low-to-no shedding". He is very healthy and fully vaccinated, dewormed, and micro-chipped.
Let me know if you would like more info. A lot of people are asking about him!
These pictures were all taken today, January 15th. He is ready to go to a great home, as soon as the right family is found.