Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Some Beautiful Spring Days... (4/13/21)

Here are some cute/fun pictures from around the "farm" over the last few days. We love the Farm and we really love the dogs being around.

Vesper saying "Hello!" to the poodles - now the poodles are all adopted.

Grandpa pretends he doesn't like dogs - and fails!! Vesper knows the truth!

"Did you say I couldn't chew on THIS shoe?"

It's nap o'clock

In a house with other dogs, you learn to keep your toys close...

Vesper will soon outgrow Penny. Here they are, both wanting to come in.

Vesper snoozing with her "cousin" Terra. (There's actually no relation)

Every 5 minutes, you need to change positions.

Playing Hide 'n' Seek when she's supposed to be going "potty"