Thursday, September 14, 2023

Some Good News...And Some "Less Good" News (9/14/23)

Charles Dickens famously wrote, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." While nothing in my life compares to the French Revolution, I have to admit I'm a bit "sad/happy" right now. 

On the good side, we recently bred our Bernese Mountain Dog, Terra, and we expect to have Bernedoodle puppies born around Halloween! We will know more in the next few weeks as we confirm her pregnancy. She was mated with the same Daddy Dog we used last year, Caesar. 

Here are a couple of pictures of Terra doing her favorite things - Playing with Grandma, and napping, and being a lap dog.

Here are a couple of pictures from her 2022 litter. Again, we will know more in the next few weeks.

On the "less good" side, our beloved Biscuit is NOT pregnant. We planned to breed her in early August and we have discovered it did not work and she will not be having puppies at this time. Unfortunately, Nature can't be predicted or relied upon.... We will try again in the Spring, during her next heat cycle.

Stay Tuned!